Real Men

What is Real Men?

Real Men is where Pastor Mark Driscoll and the rest of the Trinity men come together to build each other up to be more like the true real man, Jesus Christ. We believe in building men up to bless women and children. Every week, we hear men-focused Bible teaching from Pastor Mark and then break into various Life Groups around tables to discuss, encourage, and pray for one another.

Ages: 17 and Senior in High School and up. 

When and Where Does Real Men Meet?

Real Men is back September 17 and 18! 

On Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM, Pastor Mark will preach live and Real Men will be in the main room on campus at Trinity. On Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM, we will have additional groups meeting in the Trinity Café (8499 E McDonald Dr.) just across the street.

What Can I Expect?

If you were to join us on a Tuesday or Wednesday night, you will meet some great men who love Jesus and the Bible and want to help you become a better man, husband, father, and follower of Jesus.

Fill out the form below to let us know you are coming, and a leader will contact you and answer any questions you have. Or you can simply show up on Tuesday or Wednesday night during the school year, and there will be men there to welcome you.

Sign Up for a Life Group